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The University of Greenwich, a prominent institution for tertiary level education with historically well established, was founded in the 1890s in the centre of London on the bank of the River Thames.
The University has altogether three campuses - Greenwich campus, Avery Hill campus, and Medway campus. This university campus is located in central London.
The historical Old Royal Naval College, a world heritage site recognized by UNESCO, is used as the Greenwich campus.
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Some facts would influence you to make your decision to select Greenwich University rather than other universities. They work hard to ensure that international students are well-supported before, during and after their studies and are integrated into the Greenwich community as soon as they arrive. Factors of the following components may encourage you also
The Greenwich University was established in 1890 as a Polytechnic academy, Woolwich Polytechnic which was the second polytechnic in the United Kingdom.
Later on, many institutions and colleges like Dartford College, Garnett College, and Natural Resources Institute (NRT) incorporated into the University of Greenwich.
The University has altogether three campuses. The first one is the Greenwich campus, situated in London, which is a world heritage building considered by UNESCO. Business school, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences is based on the Greenwich campus.
Another campus is Avery Hill, an institution for the Faculty of Education and Health also situated in London. The other campus which is home to the Faculty of Engineering and Science, Medway, is a satellite campus located in Kent.
These campuses are in the centre of England and also have scenic beauty of mother nature at the same time. Students have the opportunity to live in London where they can enjoy natural circumstances similar to a suburb region. In 2012, the university was ranked as the greenest university in the whole United Kingdom.
To explore and achieve knowledge, Greenwich University has three libraries that have facilities more than the general concept of a library.
These Libraries are the best place not only for daily study but also for academic work and exam preparation. Moreover, academically skilled tutors are there to help students.
A student would get an accommodation facility in the university since the university has a hall accommodation system for their students where students have an excellent opportunity to make lifelong friends.
Living in England, you would get the opportunity to be familiar with British culture and would be aware of many other countries’ cultures simultaneously since here at Greenwich University, students from more than 140 different countries come for their higher education.
Furthermore, As a resident of the university hall, you would get full security. Moreover, the university has a bus shuttle between Avery Hill and Greenwich campus for free.
A few students get tensed for the cost of education, they would be happy knowing that the university offers numerous kinds of scholarships for students to help them in their higher education.
Then, the university provides a high range of bursaries for their students who require them. Students from Bangladesh eagerly wait or search for scholarships and funding since that would afford the cost of education abroad.
To sort out and help out meritorious heads across the world Greenwich university subsidy scholarship fund to study a full-time undergraduate or taught postgraduate course. However, Successful applicants will be awarded a tuition-fee reduction of up to £3,000 for their first year of study.
The University of Greenwich has won many awards and prizes from national and international communities for their high contribution and excellent performances to implement education. Furthermore, the university has achieved prizes for innovative works and outstanding research. Some of the awards are:-
Except for all these achievements, Different subjects and disciplines of Greenwich University have won many prizes independently/individually.
The University of Greenwich is a public university which is one of the top choice university as it is a world-ranked university for an international ambiguous student in whichever country he or she belongs to.
According to The Guardian, the national ranking of Greenwich University is 90 and Sunday Times reveals that the position nationally is 84th. The global QS ranking 2021 shows that the University of Greenwich’s ranking is 701 - 750.
Presumably, you would get mesmerized knowing that with many other great numbers of alumni like minister, writer, singer, comedian, cricketer, Greenwich university has two Nobel prize laureates in its alumni.
The University of Greenwich, presumably, would be the best place for an international student who is looking for an overwhelming green campus, high-ranking institution, and copious support from his or her academy.
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