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GD Goenka Universityis a private university located in Gurgaon, Haryana, India. It was established in 2013 by the GD Goenka Group through The Haryana Private Universities (Amendment) Act, 2013. The GD Goenka Group was founded by Shri A.K. Goenka. GD Goenka University is approved by University Grants Commission (UGC) and is competent to award degrees as specified by UGC under section 22 of UGC Act, 1956.GD Goenka University is a UGC-approved university.GD Goenka School of Engineering was ranked as the 3rd Top Emerging Private Institutes in India by The Times of India.GD Goenka University has six hostels that can house approximately 800 students.
List of Schools
The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranked Lovely Professional University 52 in the management ranking in 2019 and 27 in the pharmacy ranking.
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